dental fillings

Dental Fillings: Types, Materials, and Costs

There are many different types of dental fillings available today. And the material you choose will affect both the look and the function of your smile.

The cost of dental fillings can also vary significantly. Therefore, it’s important to consult with your dentist to determine which option is best for you.

Different Types of Materials for Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are a common dental procedure that can be used to repair minor tooth damage, such as cavities. Depending on the severity of the damage, there are different types of materials that can be used for dental filling.

Here’s a closer look at some of the most popular materials used for dental fillings:


Porcelain is a strong and durable material that can be matched closely to the colour of your natural teeth. It is also resistant to staining and wear, making it a good choice for people who grind their teeth or have other issues that might cause premature damage. However, porcelain fillings are often more expensive than other options.

Composite resin

Composite resin is another popular type of tooth-coloured filling. It is made from a mixture of glass or quartz particles and plastic, which gives it a natural appearance.

This type of dental filling is less expensive than porcelain and can be used on molars as well as front teeth. However, composite resin may not last as long as porcelain in areas where there is heavy biting pressure.


Amalgam (silver) fillings are made from a combination of metals including silver, mercury, tin, and copper. They are very strong and durable, making them ideal for use in molars or other areas where there is significant chewing pressure.

Amalgam fillings are also less expensive than tooth-coloured options like composite resin or porcelain. However, amalgam fillings are visible when you laugh or open your mouth wide – something to keep in mind if aesthetics are important to you.



Gold fillings are made from pure gold alloyed with small amounts of other metals such as palladium or platinum. Gold has been used for centuries to restore teeth, and it remains one of the longest-lasting dental materials available today — often lasting 10-15 years before needing replacement (although this will vary depending on how much wear and tear your teeth experience over time).

Gold fillings tend to be more expensive than amalgam but offer excellent esthetics for patients who want a natural-looking smile.

Every patient’s needs are different, so talk to your dentist about which type of filling material would be best suited for you based on factors such as the location of the cavity, cost, durability, and aesthetics.

Related Article: What Treatment Should I Get If My Tooth Needs a Filling?

What are Dental Fillings Used for?

Dental fillings are often prescribed to restore the strength, integrity and aesthetic appeal of a damaged tooth. The fillings are tailored to match the natural colour of the tooth, providing a seamless replacement that is virtually invisible when talking or smiling.

When decay has been left untreated, it can cause pain and infections, making dental fillings essential for preserving the health of your teeth and mouth. Not only do these prevent further damage from decay that has already set in, but they also provide an extra layer of protection for teeth to help reduce the risk of other issues such as fractures.

Ultimately, regular visits with your dentist for necessary dental treatments like fillings will ensure long-term oral health.

The Cost of a Dental Filling

The price range of a dental filling in Canada depends on the type of material used and the severity of damage to the tooth.

Factors that can affect the price might include the:

  • The type and size of the filling
  • How many surfaces are treated?
  • How difficult it is to carry out the procedure
  • Whether or not it is covered by insurance.

Depending on these factors, a direct restoration typically costs anywhere from 50 to 250 Canadian dollars, while an indirect restoration could cost anywhere from 300 to 500 Canadian dollars.

Regardless of price, having dental fillings promptly done can help prevent more serious issues and keep your oral health in check. Speak to your dentist to discuss what type of filling and cost would be best for you.

the cost of a dental filling

Consult with a Dentist to Determine Which Type of Dental Filling is Best for You

When it comes to your oral health, consulting with a dentist is an essential part of the process. This professional can help you make an informed decision when you are considering which type of dental filling is best for you.

Your unique oral history, medical history and lifestyle choices will all be considered in order to determine which filling material will work best for your individual situation so that you can get the most out of your dental visit and protect your smile.

Taking advantage of the expertise a dentist has to offer ensures you receive easy-to-care-for dental fillings and lasting satisfaction with your results.

What Happens During a Filling Procedure?

The procedure for getting a dental filling typically consists of three steps: numbing, cleaning then filling.

  • First, the area surrounding the affected tooth will be numbed with a local anesthetic. This is designed to make the procedure as comfortable and pain-free as possible.
  • Once your tooth is numb, your dentist will use special dental tools to clean out any decay or debris in the damaged area and prepare it for the filling material. Depending on where the cavity is located, they may also use a dental sealant to further protect it from any further decay.
  • Finally, the filling material will be applied and shaped accordingly. It’s important that the material is carefully customized so it looks and feels natural when you smile or talk. Your dentist will then finish off with a polishing process so that your tooth has a nice, glossy sheen.

Once the procedure is complete, your tooth should be completely restored and ready to use as usual. Your dentist may also give you advice on how to take care of your teeth moving forward in order to prevent any future decay or damage.

What Happens After a Filling Procedure?

After a filling procedure, you should be able to eat and drink as usual. Your mouth may feel a little numb at first but this should wear off soon after the procedure is finished. You may experience some sensitivity in the area for a few weeks following your dental appointment, but this will usually subside on its own.

It’s important to practice good oral hygiene after a filling procedure. This means brushing twice daily, flossing at least once a day and using mouthwash to help reduce bacteria in your mouth. Your dentist may also recommend you use special products such as toothpaste or mouthwash designed for sensitive teeth.

If you are experiencing any discomfort or have any other concerns after getting a filling, contact your dentist for advice. Regular visits with your dentist for check-ups and necessary treatments will ensure good oral health in the long run.

Related Article: 3 Reasons Why (And When) You Should Get a Cavity Filled

after a filling procedure


Dental fillings are an important part of maintaining good oral health. In most cases, they can help restore the strength and integrity of a damaged tooth while preventing further decay and infection. Depending on the type of filling needed, prices can range anywhere from $50 to $500 CAD.

The procedure for getting a dental filling is relatively straightforward, consisting of numbing, cleaning then filling. After the procedure, you should be able to eat and drink as usual although some sensitivity may occur for a few weeks. It’s important to practice good oral hygiene after the filling to keep your teeth healthy for years to come.

If you think you may need a dental filling, contact our dental team at Lockwood Clinic to discuss what type and cost would be best for you. With proper care and maintenance, dental fillings can help preserve your oral health for a long time.

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