The Benefits of Early Vision Screening for Children: Ensuring a Bright Future with Clear Vision

vision screening for children

As parents, we cherish every milestone our children achieve in their early years, from their first steps to their words. However, some crucial aspects of their development, such as their visual health, might often go unnoticed.

Visual impairment in children can significantly impact their overall development, hindering their ability to learn and engage in everyday activities. Early vision screening is a powerful tool that can detect eye problems in children and pave the way for timely intervention and treatment.

This blog will delve into the numerous benefits of early vision screening for your children. We’ll also explore how it can improve a child’s visual development.

Why Your Children Need Vision Screening

Vision problems can significantly impact your child’s learning and quality of life. That’s why taking your child for regular vision screenings is essential. You can help your child thrive academically and socially by detecting and treating vision issues early.

Here are some benefits of early vision screening for your children.

Identifying Eye Problems Early

Early vision screening is pivotal in identifying potential eye issues during a child’s formative years. Many vision problems may not manifest obvious symptoms, making it challenging for parents and educators to recognize them without specialized screening.

By detecting visual impairments early, parents and healthcare professionals can take the necessary steps to address these issues promptly. Also, it can prevent these problems from worsening over time.

Preventing Learning and Behavioral Problems

Children with undiagnosed vision problems often face learning difficulties and behavioural challenges in their academic and social lives. Struggling to see the chalkboard, read books, or interact with their peers can lead to frustration and a lack of interest in learning.

Early vision screening can help address these challenges. It ensures that children receive the corrective measures they need to excel in their educational journey and build strong social connections.

Maximizing Visual Potential

A child’s visual system undergoes significant development during their early years. We can optimize their visual potential by detecting and addressing visual impairments early. Timely intervention, such as prescription glasses or vision therapy, can aid in proper visual development and prevent long-term vision issues.

Correcting Refractive Errors

Refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, are common vision problems in children. These issues can be challenging to recognize, especially in young children who might not be able to articulate their visual difficulties.

Early vision screening can accurately identify refractive errors, allowing optometrists to prescribe corrective glasses or contact lenses as needed. Providing children with clear and comfortable vision ensures they can fully engage in academic and extracurricular activities.

correcting refractive errors

Addressing Amblyopia and Strabismus

Early vision screening can effectively detect conditions like amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (crossed eyes). Treating these conditions at a young age is crucial when the brain is still highly adaptable.

If you don’t treat it early, amblyopia can lead to permanent vision impairment. Vision screenings can catch these conditions early, enabling timely treatment through techniques like patching or eye exercises. These eye exercises can help restore proper vision and prevent permanent visual loss.

Related Article: Your Eyes As A Window Into Your Whole-Body Health

Facilitating Early Intervention for Eye Diseases

Some eye diseases, such as congenital cataracts and glaucoma, can manifest in childhood. These conditions may lead to severe vision loss or other complications without early detection.

Regular vision screening allows eye care professionals to promptly spot signs of potential eye diseases. Early intervention and treatment can significantly improve the prognosis for these conditions, helping children maintain better visual function and quality of life.

Developing Strong Visual Skills

Visual skills are essential for daily activities, including reading, writing, and interacting with the environment. Early vision screening can help identify weaknesses in these skills, such as eye teaming, focusing, and tracking abilities.

When you detect them early, optometrists can prescribe vision therapy to strengthen these visual skills. Early vision screening for your children ensures they have a solid foundation for their academic and personal growth.

Reducing the Risk of Academic Struggles

Undiagnosed vision problems can lead to academic struggles and a lack of enthusiasm for learning. Children may not understand that their vision is compromised, so they might feel discouraged, assuming they can’t keep up with their peers.

By identifying and addressing vision issues through early screening, we empower children to perform academically and develop a positive attitude toward education.

Promoting Healthy Screen Use

In today’s digital age, children spend significant amounts of time on screens, from smartphones and tablets to computers and TVs. Prolonged screen use can strain the eyes and lead to digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome.

Early vision screening can help parents and caregivers better understand their child’s visual needs. It provides parents with recommendations for appropriate screen use and breaks to protect their eyes from unnecessary strain.

Supporting Overall Development

Clear vision is essential for a child’s overall development and growth. We enable children to explore and learn from their surroundings by ensuring that they can see the world.

Likewise, good vision is crucial for developing social skills, enabling children to observe and understand facial expressions. It also helps them to read body language and nonverbal cues during interactions with others.

Related Article: How Safe Is It To Rinse Your Eyes With Tap Water?

supporting overall development

Secure a Clear Vision for Your Child

Early vision screening is an invaluable investment in a child’s future. Some benefits of early vision screening for your children involve promptly identifying and addressing visual impairments. It also prevents potential learning and behavioural problems.

Knowing how early vision screening can improve your child’s vision enables you to take proactive steps toward safeguarding their visual health. Remember that a clear vision can enhance your child’s quality of life.

At Lockwood Clinic, we are committed to providing children with comprehensive and advanced vision screenings. Our experienced optometrists use state-of-the-art technology to detect any potential issues early on. Contact us at 416-921-2121 to schedule a visit.

The Importance of Regular Dental Checkups: Preventing Cavities and Other Oral Health Problems

regular dental checkups

Your oral health is one of the most important aspects of your overall well-being. And regular dental checkups are essential for maintaining it. Cavities and other oral health problems can do more than just cause anxiety — they can drastically affect your quality of life.

But with proper preventative care, like regular dental checkups, these issues can be identified and treated early to ensure you’ll have a healthy smile for years.

This blog post will provide an overview of the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene through routine visits to the dentist and how doing so can help prevent cavities and other serious diseases that could otherwise plague your mouth.

The Importance of Dental Checkups

Regular dental checkups are paramount in maintaining optimal oral health and hygiene. These routine visits to your dentist will help detect and diagnose any potential dental issues and prevent them from escalating into severe problems.

Timely dental checkups facilitate the early detection of issues like cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of treatments. A professional cleaning performed during these visits eliminates plaque and tartar buildup, further safeguarding your teeth and gums.

In essence, prioritizing dental checkups is critical in preserving your natural smile and ensuring long-lasting oral health.

Related Article: Dental Fillings: Types, Materials, and Costs

Why Cavities Occur and How to Reduce the Risk

Cavities occur when bacteria linger in the mouth and remove important minerals from one’s teeth, creating holes in their enamel. To reduce the risk of cavities forming:

  • Good oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice daily and flossing at least once daily.
  • A balanced diet, low in sugar, is also recommended since consuming sweets can weaken tooth enamel.
  • Also, regular checkups with your dentist help diagnose and prevent any abnormalities since they can monitor your progress over time.
  • Without proper detection and treatment, cavities can worsen quickly leading to pain and even tooth loss in the long run.

So don’t delay – make sure you maintain your oral health with regular dental visits!

Oral Health Problems can Arise Without Regular Checkups

Regular dental checkups are critical to maintaining your oral health and avoiding potential issues that may develop. Without these routine visits, a variety of oral health problems can arise, many of which may necessitate more extensive treatments or long-term consequences.

  • Unchecked plaque and tartar buildup can lead to gum inflammation or gingivitis, eventually causing periodontal disease and, in severe cases, tooth loss.
  • Without regular dental examinations, the early signs of oral cancer or other abnormalities may go undetected, significantly reducing the chances of successful treatment.
  • Untreated dental conditions such as tooth decay or cavities can progressively worsen, sometimes even leading to dangerous infections or abscesses.

Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize regular dental checkups to effectively prevent, detect, and address these potential oral health complications.

oral health problems

The Benefits of Seeing a Dentist Regularly

Regular dental visits are essential to maintaining optimal oral health and preventing potential dental complications.

  • By seeing a dentist regularly, individuals can enjoy various benefits, such as early detection and treatment of oral issues like cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer.
  • In addition, preventative dental care from routine cleanings helps eliminate plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Dentists can identify signs of other health issues, such as vitamin deficiencies or diabetes, through oral examinations.
  • Regular dental appointments also enable patients to receive personalized advice on maintaining good oral hygiene, ultimately contributing to their overall health and wellness.

How to Find an Affordable Dentist with Good Quality Care?

Finding an affordable dentist who provides high-quality care may seem daunting, but with a strategic approach, it is achievable. Begin by conducting thorough research on dental health care providers in your area, taking note of their pricing and patient reviews, which can often be found on their websites and social media pages.

Networking with friends, acquaintances, and local dental schools can also reveal valuable recommendations of affordable dental practitioners who are well-regarded for their quality care.

Additionally, inquire about the availability of special discounts, such as those for seniors, students, or military personnel, which can significantly reduce treatment costs without sacrificing the standard of care.

It is essential to prioritize cost, quality, and convenience, and always communicate openly with prospective dental providers about your financial situation and expectations, ensuring that both you and your dentist can establish a trusted partnership for achieving optimal oral health.

Tips for Maintaining General Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy and confident smile, and it all starts with brushing and flossing correctly.

  • To begin with, ensure you brush your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day.
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush, brushing in small circular motions, to effectively remove plaque and bacteria.
  • Remember to brush the tongue, as this helps eliminate bad breath and bacteria.
  • When it comes to flossing, opt for a gentle technique by guiding the floss between your teeth with a sawing motion, curving it against the sides to remove any hidden debris.
  • Adding a mouthwash to your routine can also help, as it reaches areas your brush may have missed and also helps neutralize the pH of your mouth.
  • Lastly, remember to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings to ensure that your oral hygiene remains in top-notch condition.

Related Article: What is it Called when a Tooth Needs a Root Canal Treatment?

general oral hygiene

Final Thought

Taking care of your teeth is an important part of overall health. And regular dental checkups are an essential part of keeping your mouth healthy.

With more access to information about dentists’ services and prices, finding quality care without breaking the bank has never been easier. Finally, if you need advice or additional support in practicing good oral hygiene habits, don’t hesitate to contact us at Lockwood Clinic.

Our dental team will sit down with you and discuss a regular checkup schedule with you.

What is it Called when a Tooth Needs a Root Canal Treatment?

tooth needs a root canal treatment

How often do you experience pain in your tooth when eating? Is a tooth extra sensitive to hot or cold substances? These signs and more are indicators that you may need a root canal treatment as quickly as possible.

Several factors can cause tooth decay. When you feel consistent pain due to ongoing tooth decay, your tooth needs a root canal treatment. And, ignoring the initial pain can worsen the decay.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal is a procedure that removes a damaged and infected tooth from the gum and base of the jaw. A root canal treatment prevents infection from spreading to the other teeth.

A root canal process is mostly painless and takes a short time. The dentist will scoop out the faulty tooth and treat the exposed gum by clearing any bacterial residue. Depending on the damage to the tooth, the space might need a filling which can be added.

A root canal filling or crown will replace the damaged tooth and return your dentition to its usual amount. Furthermore, you should take more caution regarding what and how you eat. Tooth decay comes in many forms, so you want to be prepared.

Anatomy of the Tooth

The outer part of the tooth is the enamel. The white and hard external area protects the inner layers of your tooth. Next, we have the dentin layer, which forms the tooth’s structure.

Beneath the dentin layer is the pulp. The pulp contains the nerves and blood vessels. Hence, when the pulp is damaged, you feel the pain.

Finally, we have the cementum, which forms the tooth’s base. The cementum holds the tooth firmly in place with the gum. Severe tooth decay can fracture the cementum and loosen the tooth.

During a root canal treatment, the point of damage is located, and the rotten tooth is removed. This treatment also covers enamel reinforcement to prevent cavities. Once the enamel is protected, the rest of the tooth will be safe.

But, how can you know which dental symptoms warrant a root canal treatment? Let’s look at some causes of tooth decay that can lead to a root canal procedure.

Related Article: What are the Costs of Cavity Filling, and Why is it Important to Know?

anatomy of the tooth

Dental Symptoms that cause the Need for a Root Canal

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria in your mouth that eats away at your tooth, affecting your nerve endings. These nerve endings send a pain signal to your brain, which results in toothache.

Let’s look at some dental symptoms to look out for that indicate whether you need a root canal.

Hot and Cold Sensitivity

You may have tooth decay if you experience sharp pain when consuming either a hot drink or ice cream. There’s a possibility that a cavity on your enamel lets the substance touch your pulp.

A root canal treatment can solve this problem by removing the bad tooth. Once the damaged tooth is gone, the nerve endings can heal, and the pain will go away.

Swollen Gums

A swollen gum can signify that you need a root canal treatment as soon as possible. A swollen gum will push against your teeth and cause severe pain.

The gum can get swollen due to the build-up of waste products from a dead or decaying pulp. This waste is highly acidic and will eat away at the base of your tooth.

Furthermore, you may have a boil on your gum. This boil can secrete pus into your mouth, which can cause a terrible mouth odour.

A root canal treatment will cleanse the infected gum area and flush out the bacteria. Once the boil is dealt with, the pain in your jaw will cease.

Discolouration of the Tooth

Another symptom that can determine when to get a root canal treatment is tooth discolouration. Tooth discolouration can occur due to damage to the root of a tooth or an internal infection of the pulp. Either way, the discolouration can make your smile unappealing.

In addition, a tooth pulp can die within a functioning tooth due to low blood supply. Once the pulp dies, it starts to rot within the tooth and can change the visual appearance of the tooth.

We advise you seek a dentist once you notice an unusual discolouration. Early detection can limit the need for a root canal procedure.

A Fractured Tooth

An early root canal symptom due to a chipped tooth is consistent pain. The surface of the cracked tooth becomes exposed and can get infected.

Once an infection sets in, the pulp can swell due to the presence of bacteria. The swelling will lead to more pain, and you’ll need a root canal.

In most cases, the cracked tooth would need to be replaced with a root canal filling. The filling will compensate for the missing tooth and keep your mouth feeling good again.

Loose Tooth

A loose tooth can show an infection already in effect. Death of a nerve in the tooth can cause the tooth to loosen. During nerve death, bacteria consume the decaying pulp and secrete waste that eats at the tooth’s base.

This root canal symptom requires immediate attention to prevent the bacteria from spreading to another tooth. Thankfully, with a root canal procedure, the loose tooth will be removed, and the damaged base will be cleaned and restored.

loose tooth

Is a Root Canal Treatment Painful?

Root canal treatment is a virtually painless procedure. However, you may feel slight discomfort after the process for a few hours. Sometimes, you may need painkillers to numb the pain in your mouth.

However, compared to the excruciating pain you’ll have to endure from the toothache, the root canal treatment is worth it. You’ll stop the infection from spreading and end tooth pain.

Related Article: What Treatment Should I Get If My Tooth Needs a Filling?

In Short

A root canal treatment nips early tooth problems in the bud before they escalate. The procedure isn’t too long, and it’s mostly painless.

Ensure to look out for any of the symptoms mentioned above. Early detection will save your teeth from extreme damage.

Here at Lockwood Clinic, we offer walk-in dental services for patients with tooth pain and some form of tooth decay. Walk into our clinic today or call 416-929-1900 to book an appointment.

3 Reasons Why (And When) You Should Get a Cavity Filled

cavity filling

A Canadian survey proves a consistent increase in filled teeth as age increases. The average toddler has about two filled teeth, and the figure increases to an average of nineteen teeth in the older adult age range.

So while you’re still contemplating when to fill a dental cavity, numerous people are taking action. A tooth cavity isn’t a dental condition to toy with, as it spreads and affects other teeth. Therefore, you must act fast and fill it up to prevent your cavities from worsening.

Luckily, you have cavity-filling options ranging from metal to ceramic, gold, amalgam, and composite, amongst others.

This guide will show you why you need a tooth filling for your cavity and the best time to get one.

Stopping Cavity Growth

The most obvious reason to get a tooth filling as soon as you discover tooth decay is to curb its growth. A dental cavity takes about three years to form, and you may not get clear signs until it has reached a particular stage.

There are five stages to cavity formation, including;

  • Deminirelizarion. This is the initial stage caused by exposure of the tooth to acids. This is when to fill dental cavity if you don’t want any spread.
  • Affecting the enamel. The enamel stage is when you may start to notice the cavity, and by this time, you may have holes.
  • The dentin stage is when you begin to feel pains around the affected tooth.
  • The pulp decay stage is when the cavity has blood vessels and will most likely require fixing surgery.
  • The abscess stage of a cavity is almost impossible to experience because of the accompanying pain, and it usually needs an immediate solution like removal.

The dental filling procedure when treating a cavity involves cleaning the decay thoroughly, treating it with antibiotics, and filling the affected tooth appropriately.

The stage of tooth cavity decay will determine the treatment type. For instance, if the cavity affects the pulp drastically, you may need root canal surgery to fix it. However, if it is in the early stages, the dentist may prescribe some antibiotics for you.

Tooth decay usually causes holes in the affected tooth, and treating it without filling still risks the tooth. If the acids from your meals can still pass through the holes, another decay is imminent.

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general tooth health

Preventing or Reducing Pain Due to Dental Cavities

Pains are the apparent signs you need to fill dental cavity. It’s pretty easy and common to ignore the early signs of cavities. Here’s how to tell you need a tooth filling;

  • Stains on your teeth.
  • Inconsistent pains. These pains may occasionally come, maybe when you bite into something.
  • Sensitivity of an affected tooth.

Pain comes from cavities due to the bacteria’s presence in the mouth. The pain usually becomes unbearable when it starts affecting the pulp.

Once the decay reaches the pulp, it swells, and since there’s a fixed space for a tooth, it causes pain. The more the pulp gets swollen, the more the pain becomes unbearable.

According to the Canadian Dental Association, two types of cavities can affect you at the adult age;

  • Root cavities. This typically occurs because the gum and teeth lose their bond. This situation happens either because of old age or rough tooth brushing consistently. Bacteria can find their way through the small space and decay the roots.
  • Recurrent cavity. Fillings, when not fixed appropriately, can be an invitation to more tooth decay. That is why you need a trusted dentist when you need to fill dental cavity.

Both types of cavities can cause severe pains if you do not treat them early. Most dental filling procedures come in different stages of x-ray and confirmations before you can book an appointment. Sometimes, it can take days or weeks to get it done.

Therefore, do not wait till you need a tooth filling to prevent enduring pains.

Fillings Improve General Tooth Health

Improving your teeth health is one of the reasons to fill a dental cavity. No experienced dentist will go ahead to give a dental filling because you complained. They will first check to confirm the situation of the affected area, and most times, they examine the overall teeth.

They can decide the appropriate filling type for your teeth when they check this. In Canada, the most common dental filling is amalgam filling.

Some other standard dental filling options include;

  • Composite filling
  • Ceramic filling
  • Glass filling
  • Gold filling

The dentist choice of filling depends on your oral condition, aesthetics, and preference. You may want a golden tooth for aesthetics. But, the dentist will only use the filling if it works well with tooth decay. As much as possible, listen to the dentist because they know the functions of each filling.

  • Composite fillings are versatile and can help tooth fractures and general structure. If you discover a tooth cavity early and fill it with a composite filling, it will support the tooth and stop the cavity from forming holes in the tooth.
  • White composite filling also helps to add strength to a teeth fracture. Teeth fractures occur primarily by accident, either during sports or car accidents. White composite filling is usually the choice for solving these fracture challenges.
  • Likewise, some of these teeth fillings can help you improve the color of your teeth while shielding them from any possible decay. If you want to use a filler to enhance your teeth, you can’t choose gold or silver fillings, as they have a distinct color compared to general teeth color.

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gold filling

Final Thoughts

When you think of when to fill dental cavity, is it the best time to get along with it? Tooth cavities may not precisely give unnecessary pains at their initial stages, but as they grow, it becomes unbearable. Therefore, the best time to fill a dental cavity is before it gets too painful.

At Lockwood Clinic, our dental filling treatment starts with a comprehensive oral health assessment. Our experts have the experience to help determine the best processes needed before, during, and after your filling procedure.

Call 416-921-2121 to book a consultation session with our friendly dentists.

How Can a Student Get Health Insurance in Canada

health insurance canada

The importance of insurance to the average Canadian’s finances can’t be overstated. For students in Canada, this stance is critical. If you get hurt or unwell, your student health insurance provider will foot the bill for the majority of your medical costs.

Different health insurance plans for students in Canada have varying operations. For example, the average college student in Canada can access insurance plans with varying prices, eligibility, and coverage limits.

This blog is your comprehensive answer to how to get health insurance in Canada. Here, we’ll highlight different insurance plans and the best one for students looking to access quality healthcare via their insurance plans.

Why Should You Get Student Health Insurance?

While in college as a resident or international student, it’s prudent to make sure that all of your essential expenditures are covered. One of these essentials is the availability of health insurance.

Your financial institution will likely propose it even when you have zero student health insurance considerations. In fact, colleges and universities frequently require a student’s evidence of health insurance before considering your admission application.

Other reasons why student health insurance is a good idea:

Insufficient Health Care Coverage Provided by the Government

Sometimes, resident and international students are usually not eligible for government-sponsored health care. Or the care provided may not be enough.

Reduced Costs of Medical Care

There’s a portion of your medical expenses that you’ll be responsible for, even if you have health insurance. Now imagine you don’t have it at all. Student health insurance can significantly lower your medical bills even when it doesn’t cover everything.

Discounted by a Medical Professional

If you don’t have health insurance, you may be forced to pay a hefty cost for a doctor’s visit. However, all major insurance companies have deals with doctors that allow you to get generous discounts.

Related Article: Is Health Insurance Included in College Tuition in Canada?

medical professional

Types of Insurance Plans for Students in Canada

In Canada, the provinces each have their health insurance system. Students of a specific province’s health insurance plan receive a member card that’s exclusively valid in that area.

If you’re an international student, you may need to wait up to three months before you’re eligible for student health insurance in Canada. But, it’s advisable to apply for it in advance.

The following are the types of health insurance you’ll find in Canada:


Public health insurance covers the usual range of medical services, including access to primary care physicians and hospitals. However, provinces with a more comprehensive health care package will include dental coverage, physiotherapy, and prescription drugs.

However, please note that health insurance companies aren’t required to offer services that aren’t mentioned in the Canada Health Act, except there are policy changes.

The following are services/items that have no coverage under public student health insurance plans:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Optometrists
  • Eye and dental care


While public health insurance is very popular, you can also get private student health insurance separately. Although it’s more expensive, it often comes with a broader range of benefits like dental and vision treatment at some of Ontario’s top healthcare providers.

Unlike in public hospitals, where waiting lists are prevalent for complex health services like surgery, private healthcare insurance saves you all the hassle. Also, private student health insurance plans come with increased coverage — up to 80% of any medical bills.

International Students’ Health Insurance in Canada

You need health insurance if you’re an international student in Canada. And the University you select to attend will usually help you navigate the processes.

health insurance in canada

How to Get Health Insurance in Canada

Students have a wide range of alternatives. If you’re a resident student in Canada, you qualify for public healthcare insurance services in Ontario.

International students are not eligible for public healthcare insurance programs in Ontario. But international students can qualify for public health insurance in Alberta.

The following examples show how students can get health insurance coverage in different Canadian provinces.


Resident college students in Alberta are eligible for government-subsidized health insurance. Also, international students can apply too.

To apply, students must:

  • Submit a valid identity or study permit from IRCC for at least 12 months.
  • Confirm that they live in Alberta to be eligible for the programme.
  • Apply for coverage within three months of establishing residency in Alberta.

British Columbia

The BC Medical Services Plan is available to all students. But international students need to be enrolled in a programme of at least six months in British Columbia.

To apply, students must:

  • Submit application. International students may need to attach a SIN (Social Insurance Number), as well as study permission.
  • Students can visit Health Insurance in British Columbia for additional information.


Health insurance is only available to resident students here. In other words, international students in Manitoba have no access to public health insurance.

However, international students can opt for private health insurance providers. Also, resident students who want more comprehensive coverage can check in with some of the best health insurance providers.

To apply, students must:

  • Fill out the Manitoba Health Registration Form.
  • Provide the number of your former province/health territory’s card.
  • Provide a copy of a Canadian passport, a Canadian birth certificate, a Canadian citizenship card.


The Ontario Health Insurance Plan covers only resident students. It doesn’t protect international students in Ontario. As a result, all of Ontario’s higher education institutions provide international students access to health insurance policies.

UHIP is one of the most common health insurance plans offered by public universities. But private schools and other institutions may provide a variety of alternatives from different insurance companies.

To be eligible for Ontario Health Insurance Plan coverage, you must submit an application in person at a ServiceOntario center.

There are a few things that you need to bring along:

  • Finished work on Ontario’s Health Insurance Benefits Registration Form
  • one original document demonstrating your Canadian citizenship or OHIP eligibility
  • proof of your identification in the form of an authentic document


How Much Does Health Insurance Cost for Students in Canada?

Costs for student health insurance may vary from area to area. They may also differ from one insurance company to the next. However, the average annual cost of health insurance coverage is typically between $700 and $1000.

Related Article: Is UHIP a Government Health Plan?

Final Thoughts

Studying in Canada necessitates a student health insurance plan. Health insurance is not only an extra layer of security for you.  But, it also cuts any spending you must do during health emergencies.

Here at BCML, we accept insurance payments and deliver top-quality healthcare treatments in return. Contact 416-929-1900 to book an appointment and discuss insurance payment plans.

Is UHIP a Government Health Plan?

government health plan

The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) provides basic medical coverage for international students and employees of most public Ontario universities. It is a non-profit plan that is funded through the monthly premiums users pay.

Here we will look at all you need to know about UHIP, its benefits, and how it is funded.

How is UHIP Funded?

UHIP is funded through membership fees paid by the students and university employees who use the plan. Though the plan is not funded by the government, it is also not a profit generating program. All of the money paid by members is used to facilitate the program and to provide care.

Why Are There Membership Fees for UHIP?

Contrary to popular misconception, health insurance is not completely free for anyone in Canada, not even citizens. The national health plan, Canadian Medicare, and the individual provincial plans are all funded with tax dollars.

While this significantly lowers the costs individuals pay when they need medical care, citizens are still technically funding it. Moreover, this system ensures that people can receive care regardless of their ability to pay.

This is especially important for individuals who are managing chronic conditions and severe illnesses that require an above average amount of medical attention.

membership fees

How Much Does UHIP Cost?

Current UHIP costs are $63 per person per month. You can also add a spouse or child to your plan for an additional $63 per person.

For many students who are often young and healthy, this cost may seem like an unnecessary burden since they are unlikely to require significant medical care. However, in the event that you do need medical care, a single emergency hospital stay can cost upwards of $2,000.

This cost is greater than a full two years of health insurance coverage. Similarly, a doctor’s visit typically costs upwards of $100. Should you get any kind of illness that requires a visit and check-ups, this cost could easily surpass your annual fees as well.

Therefore, UHIP membership fees are necessary for two primary reasons:

Funding: Membership fees for UHIP work in the same way that taxes work to fund provincial health plans and Medicare. Since members are not paying the same taxes as citizens, the membership fees take the place of this.

Shared Costs: The cost of the program is spread among all users in order to ensure no one individual is left with an astronomical bill that they cannot pay.

Which Universities Participate in UHIP?

UHIP is available through all public Ontario universities. The University of Windsor is the one exception to this. If you study here, you will have access to the Green Shield plan which provides similar coverage to UHIP.

Note that private universities do not participate in UHIP and will, instead, have their own private health insurance options. Many of these options are also affordable and easy to access.

universities participate

How do I Enroll Dependents in UHIP?

As a UHIP eligible student, you will also be able to obtain coverage for a spouse or children living with you.  In order to enroll, you will need to fill out a UHIP© application form from the website.

You will then bring this form and proof of your eligible family member’s arrival in Canada to the UHIP office of your university. Proof of arrival is typically a passport. From there, your university’s UHIP office will help you complete the process.

Am I Required to Enroll in UHIP?

When you enroll in an Ontario university that participates in UHIP, you will automatically be enrolled.  Your monthly premiums will then be charged to your student account.

Moreover, health insurance is a requirement when studying or working in Canada. UHIP provides an affordable and simplified way to receive the coverage you need. Though there are ways to receive an exemption by having alternate health insurance, there is no way to avoid having health insurance altogether.

Can I Be Exempt from UHIP?

You can get an exemption from UHIP in certain circumstances. For example, if you have health insurance from your employer or home country that will cover your medical costs while in Canada. You will need to provide proof of this coverage and there is still a chance that your exemption will be denied or the process could take some time.

Due to this, it recommended that you still enroll in UHIP even if you are requesting an exemption. This will ensure you have coverage as soon as you arrive in Canada, which is a requirement.

exempt from uhip

Find UHIP Supported Medical Care

Finding medical services when you are new to a country can be an overwhelming task. Bay College Medical & Lockwood Diagnostic makes it easy with our comprehensive non-emergency medical care services.

We offer a wide range of UHIP covered services along with affordable dental care and physiotherapy. To learn more, contact us at 416-929-1900.

Is Health Insurance Included in College Tuition in Canada?

health insurance in college

If you are an international student who plans to study in Canada, there are some important things to understand about healthcare coverage. First, healthcare coverage is required when studying or working in Canada. However, there are programs available that make healthcare for international students affordable and easy to access so this should not be a deterrent.

Secondly, there is a national health insurance plan that automatically covers all citizens. This is known as Canadian Medicare and it provides basic insurance and protection when traveling within Canada. Each province also has its own health insurance plan.

As an international student, you will not be eligible for either the national or provincial plans but there are equivalent options available. Most notably, the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP).

Here we will look at the health insurance you can expect to have as an international student or university worker.

What Health Insurance do International Students Qualify for in Canada?

Public Universities

Health insurance is not directly included as part of your tuition, however; most public universities participate in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). The notable exception to this is the University of Windsor.

University of Windsor

The University of Windsor is the only public university to not participate in UHIP. Instead, they support Green Shield which provides similar coverage to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, the plan used by Ontario Citizens.

Private Universities

Private universities have other healthcare plan options available that are different from UHIP, typically through a third party private insurance company. Rates

Supplemental Insurance

UHIP, Green Shield, and other basic plans cover a wide range of services but they do not cover everything. Most notably, prescription drugs are not covered under these plans in most cases. The primary exception is for prescriptions administered during a hospital stay.

To offset the cost of uncovered medical fees, supplemental insurance can be purchased for such things as prescription drugs, dental care, and eye care.

supplemental insurance

Is Health Insurance Mandatory in Canada?

Health insurance coverage is mandatory and it is required that you are covered upon your first day of arrival. Due to this, it is critical that you consult with your intended university about enrollment dates and requirements.

Can You Opt Out of Health Insurance Coverage?

There are a few limited exceptions where you may be able to opt out of UHIP. Generally, you will be required to provide proof that you have equivalent coverage from an employer, a parent’s employer, or from your home country.

If you believe you are exempt from Canadian coverage, you will need to submit an application to have UHIP fees waived. Typically, this must be done at least 45-days prior to the start of your UHIP eligibility.

Is UHIP Free?

UHIP is not free but costs are intentionally kept low in order to work with most students’ budgets. Currently, UHIP monthly charges are $63/per person. You can also add additional family members for $63/each. Please, keep in mind that these rates can change.

uhip free

Why Are There Fees for UHIP?

It is a common misconception that Canadian health care is completely free. While there are national and provincial plans that cover all citizens, these are funded by taxes. These taxes are paid largely by the citizens who benefit from this coverage.

This system allows for the expense to be spread across all citizens and ensures even persons who are unable to pay directly, will still have access to basic care. Similarly, this is why plans for international students require a monthly fee as this money goes to support those programs.

Where Should I Go for Healthcare in Canada?

As a student studying in a new country, it can be daunting to navigate the healthcare system along with everything else you must manage. In particular, you may have difficulty finding a primary care physician to prescribe your regular medications or to help you with common illnesses such as strep throat or a sinus infection.

In  these cases, two of the best resources you can look to are walk-in clinics and urgent care facilities. These care options do not require an appointment and can handle most non-emergency health concerns including urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, prescription refills, minor burns, sprains and more.

Emergency rooms are the next best option but should be reserved for when there is a true emergency such as a broken limb, chest pains, major accidents, and other life-threatening situations.

healthcare in canada

Find a Walk-In Clinic in Toronto

Walk-in clinics provide a wide range of non-emergency medical care. There are no appointments required, wait-times are typically short, and most services will be covered under your insurance plan.

At Bay College Medical & Lockwood Diagnostic, our walk-in clinic offers medical services including dental care, physiotherapy, vaccinations, and diagnostics. To learn more, contact us at 416-929-1900.

How Much Does Health Insurance Cost for International Students in Canada?

As an international student, you have likely read that health insurance is a requirement in Canada for both international students and university staff members. While this may seem daunting as a new student, there are health insurance programs across Canada which are designed to provide cost-effective care to international students and also for their spouses and dependents who travel to Canada.

You may also purchase  overseas health insurance from your home country before traveling to Canada.  Your university will require proof of this insurance before you are allowed to officially start classes.

Here we will look at various costs for international health insurance coverage across Canada. We will also cover some of what you can expect from your health insurance plan and how to begin your sign up process.

Cost Range for Health Insurance Cost for International Students

Exact costs and coverage will depend on the province you plan to live in and the plan type you choose. For example, the current rate for international students and university employees in Ontario is $63 per month, per person. This comes out to $756 yearly for each person covered under the plan. The Other provinces have costs closer to $50/month and up to $75/month. These rates are due to Ontario’s participation in the University Health Insurance Plan.

It is also important to note that some expenses will not be covered fully or could even require an additional supplemental insurance. For example, routine dental work is often not covered under most health insurance plans. Physical therapy, eye exams, and prescriptions are other common items that are not likely to be covered.

medical insurance

Types of Health Insurance Plans by Province

If you plan to study in Ontario, you will likely be covered under the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). This plan is specific to the province and provides similar coverage to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) which is for residents. All Ontario universities participate in this plan with the notable exception of the University of Windsor.

In other provinces you will be able to select an insurance plan from an insurance company like Greenshield or Sun Life. Insurance plan types for international students include:

International Travel Medical Insurance

International travel medical insurance is a type of insurance that is for anyone who is traveling abroad including international students. Along with medical coverage for both emergency and non-emergency services, this plan also offers advantages that are especially beneficial to travelers.

This includes things like international coverage, not just in Canada. Additionally, you may also get insurance for lost luggage and other travel assistance. You should purchase this type of insurance in your home country before leaving for Canada. Make sure to check what the plan covers and bring proof of your insurance with you as your university will require this.

International Student Health Insurance

This type of insurance is specifically designed to meet the primary needs of students who are attending school outside their home country. A variety of services are covered under this type of insurance including emergency services, medical evacuation, and treatment for sports injuries which is useful for student athletes.

These plans are often cheaper than other types because they are geared towards single, young, and healthy students. Students who fit these categories do not require extra coverage for dependents and are less likely to need medical attention than other groups.

International Major Medical 

Major medical offers flexible coverage options and can help treat and manage pre-existing conditions along with new medical needs. It is a good option for long term coverage as it can be renewed every year whereas some province based plans may have limits on how long coverage can last.

Insurance for Dependents and Spouses

If you are traveling to Canada with a spouse or other dependents, you can add them to your health insurance policy. This is typically a simple process that will involve some key documentation like proof of when your spouse or dependents arrived in Canada.

under international student

What is Covered Under International Student Health Plans?

Coverage can vary greatly depending on which province you are studying in and the plan you choose. Generally, you can expect all emergency services to be covered including medically necessary hospital stays and prescriptions you use while in the hospital.

Supplemental Insurances

Prescriptions: Prescriptions are often not included in a standard health insurance plan.  However, Canada strives to keep the costs of prescriptions down by negotiating with the companies making the medications so they are often still affordable without coverage.

Dental, Hearing and Vision: Non-emergency dental and vision services are not often covered in a standard health insurance plan. If you do require emergency medical treatment due to an injury or other damage such as developing an abscess in your tooth, this will typically be covered by your standard insurance but a regular checkup will not be. Supplemental insurance will cover the costs of things like eye exams and regular dental checkups.

Other Items: Other services that are likely to not be covered or limited are chiropractic services, cosmetic surgery, some elective surgeries, and physical therapy. If you are concerned about any of these areas, you may want to look into other supplemental plans.

international students in canada

What is Covered?

Coverage, like costs, will vary from province to province but you can generally expect that all emergency care will be covered. Other commonly covered items include diagnostic services, psychiatric treatment, paramedic services, some counseling services. It is important to remember that you may still owe a copay or will need to reach a certain level of out of pocket costs before insurance will cover the rest.

Get Help with Your International Student Health Insurance

Navigating the world of health insurance can be difficult but BCML is here to help. We provide a wide range of non-emergency medical services including routine dental work, diagnostics and testing, along with physical therapy, and x-rays.

Call our team of caring physicians at 416-929-1900 to schedule an appointment today.

How Do I Add My Spouse to UHIP?

my spouse to uhip

The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) provides health insurance for international students and employees of most Ontario Universities. University of Windsor is the primary exception to this coverage. When you have UHIP you may also be able to access some covered health services outside the province and even outside the country but this is mostly limited to emergency medical care only.

Overall, UHIP is a beneficial program that allows international students and university employees to access health care at an affordable price. This is particularly important in Canada where you are required to have health insurance even if you do not qualify for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).

Here we will look at what UHIP is, what it covers, who is eligible, and everything else you need to know about your UHIP coverage.

What is UHIP?

UHIP offers an affordable alternative to other private health insurance plans in Ontario. Its coverage is similar to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) though there are differences in coverage. For example, OHIP provides prescription coverage for those under the age of 25 while UHIP does not. Additionally, there is a monthly fee for UHIP while OHIP is tax funded.

what is uhip

How is UHIP Funded?

UHIP is a non-profit program that is funded by monthly payments from members. Monthly payments can fluctuate and will differ depending on how many individuals are covered under your plan. For example, the lowest price will be for a single individual and this will go up if you have a partner or dependents covered under the plan.

Currently, you can expect to pay around $63 per month for each covered person. While this cost may rise at any time, one of the goals of the program is to keep monthly premiums at an affordable level.

Coverage for Spouses and Dependents Under UHIP

When you are studying or working at an Ontario university, your spouse or dependent children are also required to have coverage. UHIP makes this relatively easy and affordable to accomplish.

You can start the process of enrolling your spouse or dependents by visiting the UHIP office of your university and filling out an application form. You will also need passports for each of the dependents you are seeking coverage for to verify they have arrived in Canada.

Note: It is important that you enroll your dependents within 30 days of their arrival in Canada. While they can still enroll after this period, you will be charged a late fee which is currently $500. Failing to enroll on time can make this affordable program considerably more expensive.

health insurance spouses

What Does UHIP Cover?

UHIP covers a wide range of services including emergency, diagnostics and testing, routine doctor visits, many specialist services and more. Here are some of the most common services and service categories, however; this is not an exhaustive list. If you do not see the service you are looking for, contact the UHIP office at your university.

Hospital Services: Emergency and medically necessary hospital stays are generally covered. However, you will need pre-approval for non-emergency and elective surgeries. If your hospital stay and procedure are approved, your meals, lab work, and medications administered during your stay will all be covered. Prescriptions required after your hospital stay will not be covered.

Doctor Visits: Visits to a general practitioner or family doctor are covered and include annual checkups, prenatal care, treatment of illness and injury, and anesthesia in case of surgery.

Eye and Vision Care: Vision care is available for those under 19 and over 65 including annual checkups. If you are between 20 and 64 you may receive coverage for annual exams if you have certain conditions affecting vision including diabetes, glaucoma, and cataracts.

Diagnostic Services: Lab analysis, x-rays, and other diagnostics will be covered when ordered by a physician and/or performed as part of an approved hospital stay.

Ambulance Transportation: Similar to diagnostic services, ambulance transportation is covered when it has been deemed necessary by a physician.

Dental Surgery: Dental surgery that requires a hospital stay including corrective jaw surgery and bone grafting will be covered. This typically includes any dental procedures that are considered emergencies.

cover uhip

What Percentage Does UHIP Cover?

UHIP is intended to pay the full cost of all covered services. However, some physicians may have higher rates than the UHIP reimbursement maximum. In this case, you will be responsible for paying the difference. If you are concerned about this, consult with your doctor and contact your UHIP office at your school to check on coverage amounts.

What Does UHIP NOT Cover?

Private Hospital Room Accomodations: Private room accommodations are typically not covered. You may be able to get coverage with pre-approval so if this is important to you, reach out to UHIP at your university before asking for a private room.

Elective Surgeries: Some elective surgeries may be covered with pre-approval but this is not the norm. To avoid unexpected bills, make sure to seek approval from UHIP before proceeding.

Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy is covered in some instances including for those over 65 and under 18. If you are between 19 and 64 you will be covered for physiotherapy only if it is administered as part of a hospital stay. Non-hospital physiotherapy for those 19 to 64 is not covered.

Dental Care: While some dental services including surgery are covered, regular checkups are not covered. However, patients with certain conditions such as a compromised immune system or who have mental or physical impairments may receive coverage with pre-approval.

Prescriptions: Prescriptions are not covered under UHIP unless administered as part of a hospital stay. However, the Canadian government works to keep the costs of prescriptions as low as possible so do not let this deter you from receiving necessary prescriptions.


UHIP Coverage Outside of Ontario

UHIP coverage in Canada but outside of Ontario is limited to emergency services. If you plan to travel outside of Canada, it is best to obtain traveler’s insurance since UHIP will not apply even in emergency situations.

Find a UHIP Doctor

UHIP is accepted throughout Canada but if you are new to the country it can be difficult to find medical professionals for all your needs. At Bay College Medical & Lockwood Diagnostic, we offer a range of non-emergency medical services including dental care, physiotherapy, and diagnostics. For fast and convenient care for your medical needs, contact us at 416-929-1900.

What Does UHIP Cover?

uhip cover

The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) provides health insurance for international students and employees of most Ontario Universities. University of Windsor is the primary exception to this coverage. When you have UHIP you may also be able to access some covered health services outside the province and even outside the country but this is mostly limited to emergency medical care only.

Overall, UHIP is a beneficial program that allows international students and university employees to access health care at an affordable price. This is particularly important in Canada where you are required to have health insurance even if you do not qualify for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).

Here we will look at what UHIP is, what it covers, who is eligible, and everything else you need to know about your UHIP coverage.

What is UHIP?

UHIP offers an affordable alternative to other private health insurance plans in Ontario. Its coverage is similar to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) though there are differences in coverage. For example, OHIP provides prescription coverage for those under the age of 25 while UHIP does not. Additionally, there is a monthly fee for UHIP while OHIP is tax funded.

How is UHIP Funded?

UHIP is a non-profit program that is funded by monthly payments from members. Monthly payments can fluctuate and will differ depending on how many individuals are covered under your plan. For example, the lowest price will be for a single individual and this will go up if you have a partner or dependents covered under the plan.

Currently, you can expect to pay around $63 per month for each covered person. While this cost may rise at any time, one of the goals of the program is to keep monthly premiums at an affordable level.

Coverage for Spouses and Dependents Under UHIP

When you are studying or working at an Ontario university, your spouse or dependent children are also required to have coverage. UHIP makes this relatively easy and affordable to accomplish.

You can start the process of enrolling your spouse or dependents by visiting the UHIP office of your university and filling out an application form. You will also need passports for each of the dependents you are seeking coverage for to verify they have arrived in Canada.

Note: It is important that you enroll your dependents within 30 days of their arrival in Canada. While they can still enroll after this period, you will be charged a late fee which is currently $500. Failing to enroll on time can make this affordable program considerably more expensive.

coverage for spouses

What Does UHIP Cover?

UHIP covers a wide range of services including emergency, diagnostics and testing, routine doctor visits, many specialist services and more. Here are some of the most common services and service categories, however; this is not an exhaustive list. If you do not see the service you are looking for, contact the UHIP office at your university.

Hospital Services: Emergency and medically necessary hospital stays are generally covered. However, you will need pre-approval for non-emergency and elective surgeries. If your hospital stay and procedure are approved, your meals, lab work, and medications administered during your stay will all be covered. Prescriptions required after your hospital stay will not be covered.

Doctor Visits: Visits to a general practitioner or family doctor are covered and include annual checkups, prenatal care, treatment of illness and injury, and anesthesia in case of surgery.

Eye and Vision Care: Vision care is available for those under 19 and over 65 including annual checkups. If you are between 20 and 64 you may receive coverage for annual exams if you have certain conditions affecting vision including diabetes, glaucoma, and cataracts.

Diagnostic Services: Lab analysis, x-rays, and other diagnostics will be covered when ordered by a physician and/or performed as part of an approved hospital stay.

Ambulance Transportation: Similar to diagnostic services, ambulance transportation is covered when it has been deemed necessary by a physician.

Dental Surgery: Dental surgery that requires a hospital stay including corrective jaw surgery and bone grafting will be covered. This typically includes any dental procedures that are considered emergencies.

hospital services

What Percentage Does UHIP Cover?

UHIP is intended to pay the full cost of all covered services. However, some physicians may have higher rates than the UHIP reimbursement maximum. In this case, you will be responsible for paying the difference. If you are concerned about this, consult with your doctor and contact your UHIP office at your school to check on coverage amounts.

What Does UHIP NOT Cover?

Private Hospital Room Accomodations: Private room accommodations are typically not covered. You may be able to get coverage with pre-approval so if this is important to you, reach out to UHIP at your university before asking for a private room.

Elective Surgeries: Some elective surgeries may be covered with pre-approval but this is not the norm. To avoid unexpected bills, make sure to seek approval from UHIP before proceeding.

Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy is covered in some instances including for those over 65 and under 18. If you are between 19 and 64 you will be covered for physiotherapy only if it is administered as part of a hospital stay. Non-hospital physiotherapy for those 19 to 64 is not covered.

Dental Care: While some dental services including surgery are covered, regular checkups are not covered. However, patients with certain conditions such as a compromised immune system or who have mental or physical impairments may receive coverage with pre-approval.

Prescriptions: Prescriptions are not covered under UHIP unless administered as part of a hospital stay. However, the Canadian government works to keep the costs of prescriptions as low as possible so do not let this deter you from receiving necessary prescriptions.


UHIP Coverage Outside of Ontario

UHIP coverage in Canada but outside of Ontario is limited to emergency services. If you plan to travel outside of Canada, it is best to obtain traveler’s insurance since UHIP will not apply even in emergency situations.

Find a UHIP Doctor

UHIP is accepted throughout Canada but if you are new to the country it can be difficult to find medical professionals for all your needs. At Bay College Medical & Lockwood Diagnostic, we offer a range of non-emergency medical services including dental care, physiotherapy, and diagnostics. For fast and convenient care for your medical needs, contact us at 416-929-1900.