Bay College Physiotherapy

Need help improving or increasing physical ability lost due to accident or illness? Physiotherapy is an effective way to help improve the movement of joints and muscles affected by injury, aging, and many diseases and conditions.

With precisely designed exercises and therapies, you can improve your range of movement, reduce pain and regain independence as needed.

What is Physiotherapy and What Does it Treat?

Physiotherapy is therapy based on the science of movement to optimize and correct the way joints and muscles function. At Bay College physio clinic downtown, we employ trained and certified physical therapists to help you enhance physical recovery, strengthening and rehabilitation efforts. Physical therapy at our clinic involves a variety of therapy types depending on your specific condition and goals.

Exercise, stretching, water therapy, and massage are used in combination to treat a wide range of conditions and health concerns including:

Musculoskeletal / Orthopedic

This is the type of physiotherapy most people think of and is a common form of treatment for a variety of injuries and conditions. With orthopedic therapy, physical therapists will work with you to increase the range of movement that is lost due to conditions such as arthritis, strains, sprains, and fractures along with poor posture and certain injuries.

Bay College Physiotherapy

Cardio and Respiratory

Conditions affecting breathing, lungs, and heart can be helped with certain types of physiotherapy. With physio, you can help manage conditions such as asthma and improve lung and heart function.

types of physiotherapy

Nervous System Disorders

Physiotherapy can treat neurological conditions such as spinal cord injury, ability lost due to stroke, brain injuries caused physical impact, migraines and multiple sclerosis.

spinal cord injury

Physiotherapy Appointments And

Bay College physio clinic helps you regain your strength and ability with our state-of-the-art physical therapy facility and certified physical therapists. We offer flexible scheduling and cost effective solutions to ensure you get the care you need.