Cost of Hearing Aids in Toronto

The factors that affect the cost of getting hearing aids are numerous. Like any other health problem, the severity of the hearing problem will influence the cost of the solution. For example, the hearing aid pricing for a patient whose ear has blockage will differ from that of someone who is partially deaf. So, when you visit a professional, you can expect to get different prices for hearing aids.

Another factor that affects hearing aid prices is its features. On a search for hearing aids, you’ll likely come across several options. Typically, these options are a function of the features and efficiency of the hearing aid. Thanks to the innovative world we now live in, hearing aids now have tech properties that can affect their prices.

For example, the same way you’ll find an automated hearing aid is the same way you’ll find a manual one. However, these features will have a direct effect on the prices. But, with the help of this technology, hearing aids help millions globally with hearing problems. This ranges from the person who just needs to hear clearly to the person who can’t hear.

So, when you notice a hearing challenge, you do not need to fret. All you need is to confirm the hearing issue and look for viable solutions. In this guide, we’ll discuss the average pricing range for hearing aids. For your benefits, we’ll also explain some factors that influence the cost of getting hearing aids.

What is the Cost of Getting Hearing Aids in Toronto?

Averagely, the cost of getting hearing aids in Toronto ranges between $1000 and $4000. This price heavily depends on the features and functions of the device. You may see some hearing aids with technologies like sound cancellation and wireless connections. This type of feature will increase the price.

A fairly recent CBC article discussed actual pricing for hearing aids. The report reveals that the actual manufacturing price of a hearing aid ranges between $150 and $200. The manufacturers then sell these aids to ear care professionals at a range of $450 and $700. However, most health care professionals then sell these at price ranges between  $1000 and $4000.

The question you may want to ask is why hearing aids are that expensive, even with the manufacturing costs. However, the ear care professionals go beyond just the device you see. The professional also performs some tests and services on the device. Some of these services include testing, adjustments, and fittings.

When you want to buy hearing aids, there are many factors you must consider. These features and specifications will influence the prices of the hearing aids. Some of these factors include:

The number of hearing aids needed

When you decide to get hearing aids, it’s always better to visit a professional. The first reason for this is to confirm you have a hearing problem.

Another important reason for this step is to confirm the affected ears. That way, you’ll be making more informed decisions. Some of the tests your doctor will walk you through include;

  • The physical observation
  • Phone application test
  • Screening tests
  • Professional audiometer test

An expert audiologist may reveal that both your ears have a hearing problem. In this situation, the professional will most likely advise you to purchase dual hearing aids. Of course, buying two hearing aids will increase the cost of getting hearing aids. But it’ll fulfil its purpose without stressing you in any way. In many cases, your ear care pro can use their influence to reduce these prices.

Type of hearing loss

After you confirm which ear the hearing problem affects, you need to understand that problem. There are different types of hearing loss — each with its respective causes.

And you can’t just go ahead to buy hearing aids without knowing what problem it’s solving. That’s why you need to visit your hearing expert. The types of hearing loss you may encounter include;

  • Conductive hearing loss: This type of hearing loss occurs when a substance or object blocks your hearing path. To solve this type of hearing issues, you need not bother about how much to install hearing aids. Mostly, you can solve these issues without hearing aids in most cases. The common causes of this heating defect are:
  • Ear wax
  • Regular objects
  • Ear infections
  • Inner ear scars
  • Ear bone issues.

To treat this you may not need any complex items or drugs. A mini surgery will suffice if there’s an object in the ear. And in the case of infections, good antibiotics will work perfectly.

  • Sensorineural hearing loss: In most cases, this type of hearing loss comes with inner ear problems. Sometimes, it may be as a result of a loss of sound transmission to the brain. In most cases, you’ll need to get hearing aids to fix this issue. Some causes of sensorineural hearing loss include:
  • Diabetes, stroke, obesity, and other health conditions.
  • Old age
  • Genetics
  • Accidents
  • Smoking
  • Infections

To solve these types of hearing problems, you may need complex treatment methods. As a result, the hearing aid prices will differ.

  • Mixed hearing problems: As the name rightly implies, a mixed hearing loss occurs when the hearing loss combines both sensory and conductive hearing losses. To discover this type of hearing loss, you will need the help of a professional.

The treatment methods also combine therapies used for both conductive and sensorineural losses. So, you’ll need hearing aids in addition to some other treatment methods.

Related Article: Ontario Health Insurance Plan: How Does it Work?

Types of Hearing aid

The cost of getting hearing aids has a linear relationship with the type of hearing aid. Based on aesthetics, there are different types and styles of hearing aids available. But you can categorize the types of hearing aids into two: behind-the-ear and in-the-ear hearing aids.

  • Behind-the-ear hearing aids: In most cases, many people who use hearing aids prefer these hearing aids. That’s because they are small and hardly noticeable on the ear. Subtypes include:
  • Behind-the-ear hearing aids with a receiver inside the ear canals.
  • Behind-the-ear hearing aids with hooks.
  • In the ear hearing aids: All the features and functions of this hearing aid come in a small size. However, there can also be a variation in size. Mostly, the size and style for you depend heavily on your ears and the type of hearing issue you have.

Sometimes, an ear care professional may have to go beyond just the usual service to find your perfect size. And of course, this will affect the overall cost of getting hearing aids.


Here’s how the features you choose affect how much you have to pay for hearing aids. Some features that come with ear aids include:

  • Microphones
  • Noise removal
  • Wireless functions
  • Different hearing programs
  • Aesthetics and appearance
  • Speech recognition
  • Automated functions.

Usually, your audiology expert will determine if you need to add any of these features to your hearing aids. In the area of aesthetics, that’s a personal choice. Depending on your style, you can choose to go for a more stylish hearing aid. In our experience, the more of these features you have, the more you can expect to pay for hearing aids.


Where you spend most of your time can also affect your cost of getting a hearing aid. If you stay in a noisy environment, you’ll be needing a hearing aid that cancels out the noise. In that case, you have reduced the number of options you have.

Also, depending on your location, you may get some cuts on the pricing for hearing aids. For example, in Ontario, you can get 75% less than the original price if you have the Ontario Health Insurance card. So you see, your location can either increase or decrease the cost of hearing aids.

Related Article: Hearing Loss and Coronavirus

Hearing Aids are Affordable

Before you estimate the cost of getting a hearing aid, there are many factors to consider. The primary determinants remain the type of hearing loss and the number of hearing aids you need. All in all, it’s possible for the cost of hearing aids to run into thousands of dollars.

We know it may seem super expensive. However, it’s almost impossible to put a price on your hearing. As such, instead of compromising on price, it’s best to proceed with flexible payment options. This way, the overall pricing will have less of an effect on your wallet.

Here at Lockwood Clinic, we offer payment options that can make it easier to cover the cost of hearing aids. Get in touch with our experts to discuss your options today!

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